Summary: In a foreclosure action, a trial court retains jurisdiction even after entering a final judgment of foreclosure because it is an order confirming the sale that finally...
Mortgage Foreclosure
Summary: Trial court did not have authority to modify a mortgage agreement without the consent of both parties participating in a settlement conference if the parties do not agree...
Public Act 98-1099, effective August 26, 2014, provides a new procedure for extinguishing a...
Last published in the March 2010 ATG Casenotes and Underwriters' Bulletin
As the number of foreclosures has increased, the number of claims that ATG has received because there is...
Summary: In Wisconsin, if a note is endorsed in blank, the owner of the note is entitled to enforce it.
OneWest Bank, FSB v. Sowl, 348 Wis.2d 262 (Wis. Ct...
Summary: In a mortgage foreclosure case, a motion to quash for invalid service made more than 30 days after the court’s final order confirming the sale is in substance a...
Summary: A General Administrative Order (GAO) issued by the presiding judge of the chancery division of the circuit court, setting procedures for mortgagees to obtain appointment...
Summary: A mortgagee-purchaser of condominium property is not required to make association assessment payments until a sheriff’s deed conveys the property to the purchaser....