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ATG Becomes Advocus - Tips, Links, and FAQs

Effective September 1, 2023, ATG is officially Advocus National Title Insurance Company. 

New Name, Same Values, Same Team: Our new name allows us to expand into other U.S. markets. We are excited to build the future together. We will continue to serve you and support your title business and real estate practice as we always have.

We have a hardworking team of title and closing professionals, improved systems, and new solutions on the horizon for our agents. Review our recent communications that explain what's changing and what's staying the same, and check out our FAQs to find more information and tips. 

Advocus Locations and Contact Info

Send us your questions: 

Access Previous Email Notices

Refer to these August-September 2023 communications for rebranding details:

Building the Future Together - 8/1/23
Agent Support Update: NLT Title Operations - 8/2/23
Supporting Your Title Business and Real Estate Practice - 8/17/23
Implementing New Forms in REsource - 8/21/23
Implementing New Forms in SoftPro - 8/22/23
Implementing New Forms in RamQuest - 8/23/23
Discontinuing Serialized Policy Jackets - 8/23/23
Tips and Reminders to Support Your Title Business and Real Estate Practice - 8/30/23 
FAQs about Advocus Transition--Including Where to Send Checks! (Spoiler: Send to Champaign.) - 9/20/23 

View our archive of Communications to Agents for more. 

Download Change of Name Endorsements and Form Letters

These forms and many more are also all available in our Forms Library:

Change of Name Endorsement – Commitment (Advocus Form #2193-COM)
Change of Name Endorsement – Policy (Advocus Form #2193-POL)
Change of Name Notice Letter - Lender (Advocus Form 4286-A)
Change of Name Notice Letter - Buyer-Borrower (Advocus Form 4286-B)
Change of Name Notice Letter - Seller (Advocus Form 4286-C)
Change of Name Addendum to CD - Settlement Statement (Advocus Form 4287)


    1. How can I access the Change of Name Endorsements, Change of Name Letters, and Change of Name Addendum to CD-Settlement Statement referenced in recent communications?

    For agents' convenience, we provided links to all the Change of Name documents above. They are also available in our Forms Library. Click the link to the form you wish to download, review, and edit:

    2. Will there be new policy jackets/covers to replace ATG Form 1110?

    No, we are discontinuing paper policy jackets/covers with the rebrand, so we are not offering Advocus versions of Form 1100. 

    3. Is it okay to use ATG Closing Envelopes (Form 5000, also called File Jackets) until the Advocus version is available?

    Yes, we encourage you to use your existing supply of ATG-branded envelopes or order them from us at We have plenty available for use, and it’s definitely ok to continue using them until the Advocus supply is available later this fall. 

    4. Should agents mail Commitment Premiums to the same location as we do now, or will that change? 

    No change. If you currently mail premiums to our PO Box, please continue to do so. If you mail remittance checks to our Champaign office, please use our new Champaign office address (we moved in August 2023): 

    Advocus National Title Insurance Company 
    2101 Windsor Place 
    Champaign, IL 61820-7769

    5. Will REsource automatically change to reflect Advocus in the settlement statement screens?

    For the time being, the ATG partners/payees in REsource that auto populate in the settlement statements (i.e., ATG Fees & Transfers) are not changing. The Change of Name Closing Addendum to Closing Disclosure/Settlement Statement is programmed to auto-populate with CDs/settlement statements generated in REsource (new functionality), and that should address any questions from customers or lenders that see “ATG” referenced in CDs/settlement statements. Our bank will accept checks/wires paid to ATG or Advocus, as we are the same entity with the same EIN, just our name has changed. 

    6. Should I use the Change of Name - Commitment Endorsement in a Letter Reports / Ownership Reports situation?

    No, Letter Reports and Ownership Reports are not the same as Title Commitments. With Letter Reports and Ownership Reports, we are reporting the status of title, not committing to issue a policy. As a result, Form 2193-COM (Change of Name – Commitment Endorsement) should not be issued with Letter Reports or Ownership Reports. In lieu thereof, we suggest sending the Change of Name Notice Letter with Letter Reports and Ownership Reports that need to be amended post-9/1/23. If no amendments to existing Letter Reports and Ownership Reports issued pre-9/1/23 are completed on Letter Reports and Ownership Reports created pre-9/1/23, you should not need to issue any Change of Name Notice at all.  

    7. What about Minutes of Foreclosure?

    Minutes of Foreclosure are issued using Title Commitments, so you may issue the Form 2193-COM (Change of Name – Commitment endorsement) with Minutes of Foreclosure for files opened prior to 9/1/23, as long as you issue Minutes of Foreclosure using the Title Commitment form. If no amendments are done to existing Minutes of Foreclosure Commitments, you do not need to issue Form 2193-COM. It would only be necessary if you later date existing Minutes of Foreclosure Commitments post-9/1/23.

    8. Do I need to update my escrow account now that ATG’s name has changed to Advocus? 

    If you use our name on your escrow account, please update it as follows, for transactions after 9/1/23: Agent of Advocus National Title Insurance Company. (Note: Agents are not required to list the underwriter's name on escrow accounts.) As recommended by ALTA Best Practices, the following should match: underwriter name on DFI registration, how you issue policies, your checks, and your listing with your E&O coverage. Consistent information will also help ensure successful lender-vetting. 

    9. Did the tax ID or license number change with the new name?

    There are no changes to the tax ID or license number.

    10. Do attorney agents have to sign any type of Advocus paperwork?

    No, existing agents do not have to execute any new paperwork or agreements.

    11. Where should we mail policies and checks for remittance? 

    Traditional agents should continue to send policies and checks to our us at the Champaign address, as you always have:

    Advocus National Title Insurance Company
    Policy Reporting Department
    P.O. Box 9136
    Champaign, IL 61826-9136

    12. If ATG is now Advocus...why am I reading this on the ATG website?

    Fair question! Our bridge website,, contains new branding and content, promotes  Advocus agency, and links back to the legacy site for tools, forms, and other functions. We are excited to build-out the Advocus site with new features, interesting content, and updated versions of your favorite sections.  

    Didn't find what you were looking for? Contact us to ask a question!


    Updated 9/20/23