Agent Support
Advocus and ATG Forms
Advocus Transaction Forms
- Policy-Related (1000) Forms*
- Endorsement (2000) Forms*
- Affidavits and Indemnity (3000) Forms*
- Miscellaneous (4000) Forms*
- Construction Escrow Form
Advocus Informational and Promotional Publications
ATG Transaction Forms
- Policy-Related (1000) Forms*
- Endorsement (2000) Forms*
- Affidavits and Indemnity (3000) Forms*
- Miscellaneous (4000) Forms*
- Construction Escrow Forms
Wisconsin-Specific Forms
- Wisconsin Bar Real Estate Forms
- Wisconsin Register of Deeds Flat Fee Chart
- Wisconsin Real Estate Transfer Return Instructions
Closing Envelopes
* = member agent only
Caution: Consult a lawyer before using or acting under these forms. Advocus does not make any warranty with respect thereto, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
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