Underwriting News
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Predatory Lending Procedural Update
09/23/2008 - 12:41pm
Special Bulletin: Sent 9-23-2008
Predatory Lending Procedural UpdateEFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY
ATTN: Chicago-Area Members
In an effort to relieve the confusion caused by including the fee for the...
SB 1167 Procedures - Home Equity Lines of Credit
09/05/2008 - 3:33pm
Home Equity Lines of Credit Need Not be Entered into Anti-Predatory Lending Database as Separate Applications
Some title agents are mistakenly requiring brokers to enter Home Equity Lines of Credit...
Claims Corner: Mortgage Rescue Fraud
08/14/2008 - 1:19pm
What are the circumstances that could give rise to a mortgage rescue fraud? Consider this scenario:
An owner of a piece of mortgaged real estate finds him/herself in financial distress and unable to...
Religious Organizations and Real Estate
05/17/2003 - 9:28am
by John Kelly, ATG Law Clerk
Originally published in the May 2003 issue of the ATG concept.
Many religious organizations own property for the purposes of meeting and worship. However,...
Appraiser Liability
08/18/2001 - 9:28am
Real Estate and Title Insurance News
Appraiser Liability
Originally published in August 2001 issue of the ATG concept.
Property appraisal is an important step of purchasing real estate. Most...
Mortgage Modifications
05/16/2001 - 12:04pm
EDITOR'S NOTE: See our Underwriting Guidelines (Illinois, Indiana) for the most current information on this topic.
Lenders may occasionally request that you insure a mortgage modification by updating...
Mt. Vernon ATG Town Hall Meeting
04/20/2000 - 10:43am
Town Hall Meeting in Mt. Vernon, Ill., for downstate ATG members - earn CLE! See details.
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