Underwriting News
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UPDATE: New Illinois Legislation Passed Regarding Remote Notarization
08/16/2021 - 2:02pm
ATG Now Allows RIN, Not RON
Effective Immediately for Agents in Illinois
On July 26, 2021, SB2664 was signed into law as Public Act 102-160. This major revision of the Illinois Notary Public Act...
Escrow Transaction Forms Revised in 2021
05/19/2021 - 3:32pm
Effective Immediately
The ATG Escrow Services Department has updated these transactional forms:
For Clients
ATG Form #4009: Earnest Money Joint Order Escrow Instructions and Payout Authorization |...
Water Bills for Non-Metered Accounts in Chicago Now Monthly
04/27/2021 - 8:53am
Effective Immediately
The City of Chicago recently changed to a monthly water billing cycle for non-metered accounts, which were previously billed biannually. This change has affected balance...
Oak Lawn to Require Sewer Inspections Prior to Sale
01/12/2021 - 12:11pm
Effective April 1, 2021, all residential and commercial properties in the Village of Oak Lawn will be subject to sewer inspections prior to sale. These will be conducted by Oak Lawn Public Works and...
Accommodation Recordings: Price Change
10/29/2020 - 3:28pm
ATG offers Accommodation Recordings (recordings unrelated to a real estate closing) for agents and other customers. To reflect the increased amount of work necessary to provide this service,...
Simplify Your Work: CPLs Made Easy
10/27/2020 - 1:19pm
EDITOR'S NOTE: See our our flyer for more information.
NEW! Generate Closing Protection Letters in a Few Easy Steps
ATG Agents in All States
When your commitment is complete:Visit cpl.atgf.com (...
COVID-19: Keeping Our Workplace Safe
03/13/2020 - 11:20am
EDITOR'S NOTE: For all ATG updates related to this topic, see COVID-19 Updates.
ATG's Strategy to Make Day-to-Day Operations Safe and Healthy for Employees and Customers
We at the ATG Family of...
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