December 17, 2009
Victory! JCAR Passes Bifurcation Rule
Informed Bifurcation Rule
A Victory for Illinois Consumers
We are pleased to report that the Informed Bifurcation Rule passed the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules (JCAR) by a unanimous vote. This is an important victory for Illinois consumers and your support made all the difference.
Within minutes of our email request asking you to write members of JCAR to support the Informed Bifurcation Rule, letters came pouring in from all over the state and they continued for days. Our message was heard. Despite vigorous opposition from members of the Illinois Land Title Association and commercial title insurance companies, the rule passed unanimously, preserving for consumers the ability to continue to shop for title insurance and settlement services.
Once again, the ATG membership has proven that it is a formidable force in Springfield and a powerful and effective lobby for the rights of consumers throughout the state. We thank you for your support.
Henry L. Shulruff
Senior Vice President
Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.
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