About the Fix Your Mortgage/Keep Your Home Events
Fix Your Mortgage and Keep Your Home foreclosure prevention events offer free, on-site loan modification application assistance and information to qualified, at-risk homeowners. ATG and its partners held five events in 2009, and nine in 2010. The main sponsors of the 2009-2010 events were City of Chicago, Neighborhood Housing Services of Chicago (NHS), and Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. (www.atgf.com). Click here for current NHS events. At each event, volunteer real estate attorneys and HUD-certified counselors review homeowners' paperwork and determine if they qualify for assistance under President Obama's Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP). If they do, an application is prepared on-site and submitted to the loan servicer THAT DAY via the Internet. Representatives from several large lenders are also present to assist homeowners. All services to homeowners are FREE. Since the first Fix Your Mortgage event (May 2009), we have effectively delivered loan modification and counseling services to more than 1,500 targeted Chicago households, plus hundreds more in suburban locations; Madison, Wisconsin; and Peoria, Illinois. More than 30% of homeowners who attended a Fix Your Mortgage event have successfully applied for and received a loan modification, double the national average. Learn More Although programs like ours are contributing to a solution, the foreclosure scene in general shows no signs of slowing down. In the third quarter of 2009, nearly a million foreclosure notices went out to homeowners nationwide. |
The thought of losing their homes can paralyze people so that they don't act, perhaps believing that they have no recourse, until it is too late. But there are options for distressed homeowners (see video). For additional resources, see What You Need to Know about Foreclosure.
What Participants Are Saying"When ATG put out the initial call seeking volunteers for its first Fix Your Mortgage/Keep Your Home event in the Spring of 2009, I was eager to help. However, I was also hesitant since I knew little about foreclosures, and nothing about loan modifications. But true to their word, ATG and NHS provided accessible and thorough training in advance and valuable support on the day of the event. I volunteered at the first event &€” applications were completed on paper and submitted by fax, and more recently in Lake County where volunteer attorneys had individual work-stations and delivered scanned applications by e-mail. The increased efficiency was impressive. As I sat face to face with individuals desperate to save their homes from foreclosure, I felt privileged and inspired to have played a small role in ATG's vision of community service, and I look forward to participating again."
&€” Elizabeth M. Rochford, Attorney Volunteer
Elizabeth M. Rochford, P.C., Lincolnwood, IL "Very well organized, handled a large number of people in a short amount of time, volunteers were informative and knowledgeable about subject matter."
&€” Philip H., Homeowner
Chicago, IL "I've been a real estate attorney almost 25 years and helped thousands of people buy and sell homes. Now people need help and don't have the means to obtain assistance. Many have lost their jobs or sources of income, some have lost a loved one or have faced medical problems, and some are now facing the reality of choices they made some time ago. But the opportunity to help those that are in need is great and ATG and Neighborhood Housing Services have come together to create a unique program and opportunity for attorneys to help out.
Come to some of the events or come to all of them. I've attended four Fix Your Mortgage events and have always learned something new and have assisted dozens with their home loan modifications. The circumstances these people face are tough, but helping them is extremely rewarding. It's an opportunity to give back to the community at large and in particular those most affected by the economic downturn. Sitting face to face with people in desperate need of help, and in some cases tremendous need for information and a reality check for them, and you can feel proud to have helped out along with the dozens of other volunteers. The number one question these people ask is "Where will I live?" If I can help them keep their home through the loan modification program, I will. That's why I volunteered and will continue to volunteer while the need exists." &€” Sam Tamkin, Attorney Volunteer
Chicago, IL |
[Last update: 10-21-11]
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