The Trusted Adviser |
February 2017 | Volume 1 · Number 2
ATG Advocates for Lawyers, Serves Consumers on WGN's Mr. Fix-It Show
Hear ATG Vice President O'Brien's Advice for Home Sellers
John O'Brien, ATG Vice President and Counsel and one of the most recognized real estate attorneys in Illinois, was a recent guest on WGN Radio's Mr. Fix-It Show with Lou Manfredini. This is just one way ATG works as your advocate to deliver important messages to consumers such as why they need to be represented by a lawyer when selling real estate. Listen to John's comments.
Saturday, February 4, 2017, 8:35 a.m. — WGN Radio 720 AM — Click to listen to MP4 recording
As part of ATG's continuing efforts to assist consumers with the largest financial transaction of their lives, Mr. O'Brien advised homeowners to take the following steps when selling a home:
- Hire your lawyer before contacting a realtor.
- Hire a realtor who's been successful in your neighborhood.
- Understand what you're signing.
- Consider the timeline — new federal regulations ensure consumers have time to review and understand closing figures.
- Exercise your right to choose the title company.
- Simple things sellers can do to make a big difference.
- Why a home inspection is so important.
- Sharing on social media.
If you missed the broadcast or want to listen again, click here. For more information, check out our brochures.
Last update: 2-13-17
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