February 2010 | Volume 3 • Number 2
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Update from ATG Trust Company
Is a Roth IRA Conversion the Right Move for You?
There is a unique opportunity in 2010 for Americans with their retirement savings in traditional IRA plans. This year only, they can convert these plans into a Roth IRA. The first reaction for most people will be this is for me. Not paying taxes when I retire, more flexibility on when and how much I can withdraw. Sounds perfect!
Don't sign on the dotted line yet. Though it can be a significant tax planning opportunity for some, for others, the cons far outweigh the pros of this one-time option. In our article, Roth IRA Conversions: The Wave of Your Future?, we present an in-depth analysis of the ramifications of this decision to your future and that of your estate planning clients. Be absolutely certain of the facts before making a decision that will affect the rest of your life.
Robert Lopardo
President ATG Trust Company provides lawyers and their clients with trust, estate, investment, and Section 1031 Exchange services. Contact us for more information: 877.674.7878 or info@atgtrust.com.
ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes
![]() You can initiate an order with a phone call, then send documents electronically. We are fast, accurate, and — due to our extensive level of experience — intuitive. We understand the details, anticipate your needs, and respond quickly, often the same day. Read more about our services and staff. We look forward to working with you. Contact us for more information. REAL ESTATE AND TITLE INSURANCE NEWS
Changes in Kane, Peoria, and Will County Recording Requirements - P.A. 96-0856 (Senate Bill 1894) adds Peoria County to the predatory lending database. As a result, effective July 1, 2010, the Kane, Peoria, and Will County Recorders' offices will require a Certificate of Exemption or Certificate of Compliance to be recorded with all new mortgages, along with an additional $2.00 recording fee.
ATG Members: Go to the Guide to New Closing Procedures: Information and Training for links to free training for this and related changes in procedures. CASENOTES
Anderson v Klasek | Claims under the Residential Real Property Disclosure Act, the Real Estate License Act of 2000, and the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act cannot be tried before a jury... read more
Chain of Title; Notice
Weathersby v JP Morgan Chase Bank, NA | Purchasers are bona fide purchasers despite valid deed outside the chain of title unless it can be proven that the purchasers had actual notice of competing interests... read more
Borek Cranberry Marsh, Inc v Jackson County | The lack of the "heirs and assigns" language on an easement does not prevent it from creating a transferable property interest... read more
ATG MEMBERS | Underwriters' Bulletin
This section for ATG members only provides updated procedural and underwriting information. If you keep hard copies of our Member Handbooks in your office, print this information for insertion.
Login at www.atgf.com first to view links. CLAIMS CORNER
E-mail your questions to Christine Sparks. Bankruptcy; Liens: Bankruptcy and Judgment Liens | Property held by a debtor will not always be freed of prior judgment liens if the debt is discharged in bankruptcy... read more (login first!)
Liens: Judgment and Lien Searches | Observe the following guidelines in ordering and reviewing judgment and lien searches... read more (login first!)
IN THE NEWS | Free Keep Your Home Event
Event for Homeowners: March 6, Grayslake
Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund (ATG), with the Lake County Bar Association and other partners, is holding the first of its free 2010 events to help distressed homeowners. They can consult with volunteer attorneys and get help applying for the Obama home loan modification program... read more
WHAT'S NEW | Member, CLE, Process, and Trust Services
[Last update: 2-26-10]
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