Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.
Announces New Subsidiary:
ATG LegalServe, Inc.
ATG Announces its Newest Subsidiary:
ATG LegalServe, Inc.
I am pleased to announce that Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. (ATG) has formed a new subsidiary offering process service and skiptracing.
Since 1964, ATG has served the lawyers of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana in a way that no other organization has. We know how law firms work and understand the needs of practicing lawyers. We built the ATG LegalServe business plan based on that knowledge. You already know ATG as the lawyer service organization that always has your interests in mind and provides excellent, personal service: Allow us to serve your firm in this additional way!
ATG LegalServe is fully licensed and insured. Our staff has a combined 38-years' experience and our prices are competitive. We will deliver the finest process service available to lawyers today. Plus, with our extensive network, we offer nationwide reach. Read more about our services and staff, below. We look forward to working with you.
Peter J, Birnbaum
President and Chief Executive Officer
Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc
About Our Services |
We are fully licensed, insured, and serving papers daily. Our prices are competitive and we will deliver the finest process service available to lawyers today. We offer nationwide reach through our extensive network.
You can initiate an order with a phone call, then send documents electronically. We are fast, accurate, and---due to our extensive level of experience---intuitive. We understand the details, anticipate your needs, and respond quickly, often the same day. Contact us...
Meet the ATG LegalServe Staff |
Arthur D. Wilkins
Arthur D. Wilkins, ATG Senior Vice President, is a familiar name to anyone associated with ATG over the last twenty-five years, or anyone in the Chicago-area legal community. Arthur hired two experienced individuals to run the day-to-day operations:
Thomas G. Keane
Senior Vice President
During his nearly 30 years in the special process serving business, Thomas G. Keane established a solid reputation in the Chicago legal community for his frontline knowledge of the business and precise attention to detail. Prior to joining ATG LegalServe, he owned and operated Thomas G. Keane & Associates where he and his employees served process on foreclosure complaints in Cook and surrounding counties. His firm also worked in other parts of Illinois as well as across the country in both state and federal court jurisdictions in collection, personal injury, child custody, domestic relations, and criminal cases. Tom is a licensed Private Detective who earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Personnel Management from Quincy University, Quincy, Illinois, in 1979.
Robert G. Rusch
Operations Manager
Prior to joining ATG LegalServe, Robert G. Rusch owned Legal Assistants, Inc., Chicago. During this seven-year period, Bob learned the business from the inside out, including process serving, court filing, and court records searching. Having served more than 5,000 papers, Bob has extensive knowledge of state and federal court systems as well as the mortgage foreclosure process from filing to service of process. He is an occasional guest speaker at DePaul University College of Law. Rusch earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business - Accounting from Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois, in 1993.
One South Wacker Drive
24th Floor
Chicago, IL 60606-4654
Call 312.752.1992
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