The Trusted Adviser |
November 2013 | Volume 6 · Number 9
Happy Thanksgiving from ATG
PLUS: CFPB's New Mortgage Disclosures Represent a Partial Victory for the Title Industry
Dear Friend of ATG,
I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. We at ATG are grateful for and truly value your ongoing support — for many of us, the relationships span decades. Not all organizations have the privilege of saying that, I’m proud that we do.
Although the holidays are a time of joy, we are also aware that there is hardship for many this time of year. Parts of Central Illinois were devastated by recent storms, some of which had a direct impact on ATG members and their families. ATG will continue to support relief efforts in those hard-hit towns, and we know that many of you have stepped up as well.
Our industry faces many unique challenges but also many opportunities. As always, you can look to us for leadership as our new regulatory world continues to unfold against the backdrop of a recovering economy. The RESPA/TILA amendments released on November 20, 2013, will represent a new—and in many respects, better and simpler—mortgage and closing costs disclosure process. We are pleased that by working with ALTA the final rule addresses many of our concerns (see CFPB's New Mortgage Disclosures Represent a Partial Victory for the Title Industry).
In addition, ALTA Best Practices implementation will be our highest priority. In 2014, we will ensure that the "lawyer brand" continues to be viewed as value added to the closing process.
There is much to be grateful for and look forward to! We thank you for your business, and look forward to a healthy and happy holiday season.
Peter J. Birnbaum
ATG President and Chief Executive Officer
[Last update: 11-27-13]
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