July 2008 | Volume 1 · Number 2
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4-8-2019 EDITOR'S NOTE: Some links have been removed because the content is no longer applicable or available.
Update from ATG Title Operations
Greetings members and friends of ATG. This Update contains specific information intended to better enable title agents to close real estate transactions and serve clients efficiently. Please take a few moments to read it carefully and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments.
Specific topics include the Anti-Predatory Lending Database (APLD) Program, the closing of the ATG Homewood Office, Title Search Orders, and ATG REsource Title and Closing Software.
Read my complete Update.
Dave Huffman
Senior Vice President - Title Operations
ATG MEMBERS | Underwriters' Bulletin
This section provides updated procedural and underwriting information. If you keep hard copies ofour Member Handbooks in your office, print this information for insertion.
New Indiana Sales Disclosure Form in Effect — The State of Indiana released a new Sales Disclosure Form (State Form 46021 R8/7-08), prescribed by the Department of Local Government Finance Pursuant to IC 6-1.1-5. Please be sure to use this form with all real estate transactions. Questions? Contact the ATG Underwriting Department. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes
A Big Opportunity for Lawyers But Will They Grab It? (originally appeared in the June 10, 2008, issue of the Condell Private Letter; reprinted here with permission) — When all the smoke clears from this great mortgage disaster, will attorneys be winners or losers? Will there be more lawyers at closing tables or will the steady march away from representation for residential buyers and sellers continue?... read more
Bigelow Group, Inc. v Rickert | County Collector who refused to allow payment by specification did not abuse official discretion... read more
Tax Deeds
Vanderburgh County Auditor, et al v Michiana Campgrounds, LLC | Tax purchasers who fail to fulfill the requirements to obtain a tax deed are not entitled to refund of purchase price... read more
Roberts v Tholl | Note not recorded in the chain of title to burdened real property did not provide actual or constructive notice of easement... read more
NEWS | ATG Honors Top Producers
It was a dark and stormy night...but ATG members and guests had a great time anyway!
ATG hosted a dinner cruise for Top Producers July 10, 2008, aboard The Odyssey. What was to be a sultry summer night under the stars gave way to wind and ominous skies — eventually docking the boat. Undaunted, ATG guests enjoyed great food and live music. Click here for more photos.
WHAT'S NEW | Software, CLE, Trust Services
Celebrating Five Years — ATG REsource has become the production cornerstone for ATG's title and closing operations, used by members in all three states. It is a truly dynamic, ever-improving tool for real estate attorneys. Learn more...
7/23: The Anti-Predatory Lending Database Program: What Attorneys and Closers Need to Know
CLE in Your Office — Earn CLE any time this summer with ATG Legal Ed OnDemand, recorded programs available 24-7.
Structured Installment Sales — Through structured sales, your clients can liquidate their appreciated assets and create an income stream without having to recognize the entire taxable gain in the year of the sale. You can offer this profitable service through ATG Trust. Learn more ...
Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc. (ATG) and subsidiaries provide services for member attorneys and their real estate clients. ATG also works with lenders, Realtors, and other parties to ensure that each real estate transaction is completed in a professional and hassle-free manner. Contact us today! 800.252.0402.
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