July 2011 | Volume 4 • Number 5
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Update from ATG Administration
Status Report on HB 1293
ATG Members: I want to thank you for your assistance in helping ATG lobby for passage of House Bill 1293.
The bill passed through the Senate but was defeated in the House on the last day of the session by a very narrow vote. We believe that we have a good chance of having the bill recalled during the veto session and passed. We will be asking again for your support in the coming months. I am ever so grateful for the kindness of our membership in getting involved in these types of grassroots efforts. It is what makes ATG the premier lawyer service organization in the United States. Sincerely, Peter J. Birnbaum |
ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes
Civil Unions: Impact of Civil Unions on Real Estate — The Civil Union Act legally recognizes that partners to a civil union have the same rights as spouses in a marriage. Thus, all Illinois laws that refer to spousal relationships will also apply to civil unions. However, some laws use more specific language... read more
Civil Unions
PA 96-1513 — The Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act legalizes civil unions between two persons of either the same or opposite sex... read more
Unauthorized Practice of Law
The Real Estate Bar Ass&€™n for Massachusetts, Inc v National Real Estate Information Services — Settlement service providers can do many things associated with real estate conveyances without the activities constituting unauthorized practice of law, but attorneys must be present at closing and &€œplay a meaningful role&€& in the conveyance... read more
Foreclosure; Mortgages
Lacy-McKinney v Taylor, Bean, & Whitaker Mortgage Corp — A mortgagee's compliance with federal mortgage servicing responsibilities is a condition precedent that may be raised as an affirmative defense to the foreclosure of an FHA-insured mortgage... read more
Boundary Lines; Common Usage and Acquiescence
Northrop v Opperman — When a boundary line is not clear from the original deed or monuments and markers, a court should look to the best evidence available, including common usage and acquiescence, to determine its location... read more
ATG MEMBERS | Underwriters' Bulletin
Judgments; Liens
Judgment and Lien Basics — It is important to make sure that a name search is done for all the parties that could have judgment or liens that affect title. Failing to run a search on all necessary parties could result in a claim... read more
WARNING: Mortgage Fraud Highest in Certain Illinois Zip Codes - The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation has notified ATG that four zip codes in the Chicago area rank in the top 20 areas for mortgage fraud in the United States... read more
REMINDER: Order a Title Search - ATG mandates title searches by approved search providers when members issue ATG policies (see Regulation No. 3: Title Search Requirements). Our Order a Title Search page provides the resources you need to meet this requirement. Choose from our staff who can search select counties for you or from a large selection of approved members and independent providers in Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin... read more
IN THE NEWS | NHS Holding FREE Events for Distressed Homeowners
WHAT'S NEW | Member, CLE, Process, and Trust Services
[Last update: 7-29-11]
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