Help Feed the Hungry in Your Area
Donate Food and Funds through Team ATG
Through Lawyers Feeding Illinois, John Thies — current Illinois State Bar Association president, Urbana lawyer, and old ATG friend/member — is rallying lawyers to meet the challenge of hunger in Illinois. ATG is joining him as both a sponsor and a participant.
The ISBA is encouraging lawyers and legal organizations to form teams to participate in Lawyers Feeding Illinois (LFI), a competitive food and fund-raising campaign. Money and food donations raised through LFI will support the work of eight major food banks that serve every county of Illinois, so the whole state will benefit. The goal is to provide one million meals to Illinois citizens in need. We are proud to work with Lisa Madigan, Illinois Attorney General, as sponsors of this important initiative.
Your Donation Stays Local
ATG has registered as a team. ATG offices and several members' offices are designated drop sites for food donations. We encourage staff, lawyers, and all parties to closings to bring canned goods or donate funds:
- Donate Food - Bring donations of non-perishable food items to ATG drop sites between February 18 - March 1, 2013. (Please review the Food Collection Guidelines.) If none of our drop sites is nearby, you can make a cash donation.
- Donate Funds - Make a financial donation any time up until March 1, 2013, by visiting Team ATG's page on LFI's website.
Or visit www.lawyersfeedingil.org to form your own team.
Your donation will support a regional food bank, so your contribution directly supports your local community. We hope all ATG members, employees, and other friends of ATG will help fight hunger by donating food or funds to LFI through Team ATG.
We appreciate your support. Thank you, as always, for your consideration and generosity.
Peter Birnbaum
President and CEO
Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.
[Last update: 1-31-13]
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