September 2009 | Volume 2 • Number 7
Some content is password-protected for ATG members only: Members must be logged-in at www.atgf.com before protected content will be visible. If you click a link and land on our homepage instead, log in from there — type your password with no dashes or spaces — and the right page will open. Request your login information here. Not an ATG member? Apply today!
Update from ATG Administration
Good Funds Legislation
An amendment to the Title Insurance Act, 215 ILCS 155/26, was approved and will take effect on January 1, 2010. This legislation will impact disbursements made by title insurance companies and title insurance agents in connection with escrows, settlements, and closings in Illinois. The legislation prohibits disbursement from a fiduciary trust account unless the funds received from a single party are either "good funds" or "collected funds," as defined in the amendment... read more
For a detailed discussion of this topic and other changes to the closing process that go into effect January 1, 2010, attend the 2009 Harold I. Levine Real Estate Institute on November 5 (see ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes below).
David Huffman
Senior Vice President - Title Operations Brandt Receives ILTA President's Award
![]() &€œMike co-chaired our legislative committee, which bears the enormous burden of reviewing all bills from both the Illinois Senate and the House that could impact the title business in Illinois,&€& explained Kirk Sterling, ILTA President. &€œThrough Mike's efforts along with the rest of the Legislative Committee we were successful in introducing a &€˜Good Funds&€™ bill that will benefit all title companies doing business in Illinois.&€&... read more
ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes
HUD Answers FAQs on New RESPA Rules - The new RESPA Rules issued by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) in late 2008 contained significant ambiguities and raised serious practical questions for settlement service providers. In response, HUD has provided guidance on some of those questions in the form of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) sheet... read more
Vancura v Katris | The training of notaries to follow only the base requirement of the statutes does not protect an employer against negligent training claims when industry practice requires a greater standard of care... read more
Tax Deeds
Kumar v Bay Bridge | An owner was a bona fide purchaser for value without notice of a tax deed where tax deed notices were returned undeliverable to the predecessor in title and the tax deed was never recorded... read more
Broker Fees
Burkett & Associates, Inc v Teymer | Broker's contract included ultimate buyer as a "protected buyer" and therefore sellers owed broker's commission upon sale... read more
ATG MEMBERS | Underwriters' Bulletin
This section provides updated procedural and underwriting information. If you keep hard copies of our Member Handbooks in your office, print this information for insertion.
E-mail your questions to Christine Sparks. Exception Language: Special Exceptions on Commitments and Policies Should be Specific | Policies that contain only general exceptions for specific restrictions on title can result in significant claim loss. Exceptions from coverage on a commitment or policy must be specific enough to give notice of the nature of a restriction on title... read more
Change to Login Passwords
Effective September 1, 2009, all dashes were removed from the passwords of your ATG website and Paperless Closer logins for security purposes. If your current password contains a dash, type in your password without the dash, no spaces, to login. Click here if you need your website user name and password. Questions? Contact our HelpDesk.
IN THE NEWS | "Keep Your Home" Event for Homeowners
WHAT'S NEW | Member Services, CLE, Trust Services
![]() Live Fall CLE Programs
See details of these and other programs.
10/3: Navigating a Real Estate Transaction: A Seminar for Law Students and New Lawyers | Chicago, Ill. (free for law students and new attorneys)
10/14: Hot Topics in Medicaid Planning | OnLine
10/21: Underwriters' Forum: Top 20 Things You Don't Know | OnLine
10/24: Navigating a Real Estate Transaction: A Seminar for Law Students and New Lawyers | Madison, Wis. (free for law students and new attorneys)
11/5: The 2009 Harold I. Levine Real Estate Institute - Survive and Thrive: Preparing Your Practice for Changing Times | Chicago, Ill.
11/18: New Illinois Rules of Professional Conduct | OnLine
NOTE: You must be a Registered User on www.atgf.com to buy seminars online... read more
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[Last update: 9-28-09]
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