NOTE RE Transfer Stamp
Current as of August 12, 2014
The Village of Midlothian requires that when real estate is transferred or sold within the Village, a property transfer stamp must be obtained by the property owner or agent. The transfer stamp must be obtained before a deed can be recorded with The Cook County Recorder of Deeds.
There is no cost to acquire a Village of Midlothian property transfer stamp, however, all bills due, including the final water bill, must be paid before a stamp will be issued. To schedule a final water reading and/or inquire about outstanding bills, please contact the Village of Midlothian.
The application includes an Affidavit of Compliance regarding Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors. Whether they are in the home or not in the home, it doesn’t hinder the process either way. The form simply needs to be filled out and notarized. The agent/attorney can complete the forms on behalf of the property owner.
Please return the transfer stamp application, a copy of the deed, and payment for any outstanding bills to the Village of Midlothian to obtain the stamp. Please contact the Village of Midlothian if you have any questions.
The following deeds or trust documents shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter, except as provided in this section:
(A) Deeds to or trust documents relating to: 1) property acquired by any governmental body or from any governmental body; and 2) property or interests transferred between governmental bodies.
(B) Deeds or trust documents that secure a debt or other obligation.
(C) Deeds or trust documents, that, without additional consideration, confirm, correct, modify, or supplement a deed or trust document previously recorded.
(D) Deeds or trust documents where the actual consideration is less than one hundred dollars ($100.00), and there is no change of occupancy.
Deeds or trust documents that release property that is a security for a debt or other obligation.
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