"ATG and Neighborhood Housing Services have created a unique opportunity for attorneys ... Come to some of the events or come to all of them. Sitting face to face with people in desperate need, you can feel proud to have helped out..."
- Sam Tamkin, Volunteer Attorney
Chicago, IL
WE NEED MORE VOLUNTEERS | We expect several hundred distressed homeowners at every event. With your help, we can meet their needs.
We need volunteer attorneys and others with real estate experience (legal support staff, law students) to assist as Application Processors. ATG provides the required loan modification training 24/7 on-line FREE (worth 0.75 MCLE credit for attorneys). We need Spanish-speaking volunteers, as well!
Volunteers enter a raffle upon arrival. Participants could win a 40-inch Flat Screen TV!
QUESTIONS | About volunteering: Mary Beth McCarthy at ATG, 217.403.0111. About the event: Nosheen Hemani at NHS, 773.329.4181.
Thank you for your consideration, we look forward to seeing you in April!
Mary Beth McCarthy
Attorneys' Title Guaranty Fund, Inc.