August 2020 | Volume 13 - Number 5
Some content is password-protected for ATG member agents only. Not an ATG agent? Apply today!
During Turbulent Times, ATG and its Members Demonstrate Resilience through Collaboration
Reflections from a Busy Guy in an Empty City
The last five months have been among the most challenging we have experienced in our lifetimes: The pandemic’s impact on public health has been heretofore unimaginable, as has been the impact on the US and global economies. Next came the senseless murder of George Floyd, a brutal attack that many view as emblematic of the racism that still permeates our culture. In the months since, we have seen peaceful protests as well as, sadly, acts of violence and destruction such as those we recently experienced in Chicago. And finally, the political divide that seems to widen every day. For some, it is increasingly difficult to disagree without becoming disagreeable. Read more...
Peter J. Birnbaum
ATG President and Chief Executive Officer
ATG AGENTS | Underwriters' Bulletin
Hot Topic
REMINDER - Effective Immediately: New Procedures for Providing Gap Coverage on Illinois Transactions
ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes
COVID-19 Updates
ATG COVID-19 Update #23: Illinois Extends Expired Licenses, IDs, Stickers — New expiration date: November 1, 2020
ATG continues to provide agent and client services under safe conditions, and to send and post regular updates. See COVID-19 Updates for the latest information.
The ATG GO App Makes You a Hero | Learn more about how to turbocharge your real estate practice. Watch our short videos.
Labor Day | ATG offices will be closed September 7 — see our 2020 corporate holiday calendar.
Financial Strength for Transactions of Any Size | ATG has joined the American Title Reinsurance Alliance.
Discounted Parking | Use Washington and Franklin Self-Park for your Chicago Loop closing and save.
Follow ATG on Facebook | Like us for the latest on ATG news and events.
Nuts and Bolts of Commercial Title Insurance, Part 2 (1.00 MCLE/CLE) | Learn about key forms and procedures required to insure commercial real estate. Attorney links: Illinois and Wisconsin.
For a full list of 24/7 programs, see our extensive OnDemand CLE catalog. Programs are FREE for all attendees.
What Is ATG Trust Company? — ATG Trust is an independent trust company established in 1998 with a mission to provide creative, collaborative, and committed trust and estate administration to advisors and their clients. See our brochure for a list of services and answers to frequently asked questions. Visit our website to learn more about us. Feel free to contact a trust associate if you have questions.
Fast and Flexible Service — ATG LegalServe is a licensed private detective agency providing process service, skip tracing, and court-related assignments to lawyers nationwide. We represent you in the field and pledge to uphold your professional business image. Check out our new website!
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[Last update: 8-11-20]
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