May-June 2013 | Volume 6 - Number 4
Some content is password-protected for ATG members only. Not an ATG member? Apply today!
Update from ATG AdministrationHUD's Buyer Select ProgramSignificant Issues for Real Estate Attorneys
ATG has serious concerns about the Unauthorized Practice of Law (UPL) implications of a title company performing certain functions that are traditionally performed by lawyers. And we aren't the only ones. Read our article, HUD's "Buyer Select" Program Raises Significant Issues for Real Estate Lawyers, for a summary of the program and the potentially serious implications for the real estate bar and the clients it serves. Henry L. Shulruff |
ATG MEMBERS | Underwriters' BulletinThis content is for members only. Consider joining — see Membership Benefits
Procedural UpdatesProcedural Best Practices: Issue Policies within 30 Days of Closing — To conform to ALTA Best Practices, this is required of all agents, including those participating in a Title Services program. ATTN INDIANA AGENTS:
Underwriters' BulletinPrior Title Evidence — When you have prior policy, which is an existing Owner’s or Loan Policy written by an ATG member or a commercial title insurance company authorized to conduct business in the state where the property is located, then the search may be conducted from the date of that policy forward. |
ATTORNEYS | Practice NotesLegislative UpdatesIllinois CasenotesIllinois Indiana Wisconsin |
IN THE NEWS | Peter Birnbaum Recognized by CBA, ATG Among LFI Honorees
From left: Aurora Abella-Austriaco, President of The Chicago Bar Association; Vanguard honoree Peter Birnbaum; and Terry Murphy, Executive Director, The Chicago Bar Association.
* * * ATG Honored at the ISBA's Lawyers Feeding Illinois Awards Ceremony — ATG and other winners of the ISBA Lawyers Feeding Illinois food and fundraising campaign received recognition from ISBA President John E. Thies and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan during an awards ceremony at the ISBA’s Chicago Regional office on May 8, 2013. Read more... |
WHAT'S NEW | Trust, CLE, Process, and Auction Services
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◻ 7-18-13 | ALTA Best Practices Town Hall Meeting (Mt. Vernon, Illinois) ◻ 7-23-13 | ALTA Best Practices Town Hall Meeting (Waukesha, Wisconsin) OR Save the Date and Attend one of These Upcoming Programs: Watch your e-mail and our website, we'll be posting more programs soon. DON'T FORGET: Illinois MCLE deadline is June 30, 2013. Meet your requirement with our 24/7 OnDemand programs — more than 20 available! You must be a registered site user to take our programs. NOTE: Some seminars are member only. * * *
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Join Our Email List to receive Auction Property of the Week notices and updates on our auctions. Visit our new website at for more details. If you have questions, contact Operations Manager Mary Fran Gill, 312.752.1160. |
[Last update: 6-25-13]
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