Spring 2020 | Volume 13 - Number 2
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ATG is Here for You: Tools to Help You Serve Clients during COVID-19
If ever there was a time when consumers need guidance and advice from their attorneys, this is it. We all know buying or selling a home is an exciting time. It's the largest and most important financial transaction of a person's life. It can also be daunting, especially now. In today's world, there are scams, schemes, wire fraud — and now a health crisis that has changed our work and our day-to-day lives in ways we would not have imagined just a few months ago. Your clients need you.
ATG offers options for you to follow social distancing guidelines and still safely and securely provide clients with face-to-face interaction and the benefit of your counsel in real time.
ATG GO Video Conferencing: Be There for Your Clients, Even if You Can't Be in the Same Room
In-Person Video Conferences, Audio-Video Transmission to Notarize Closing Documents, and Wet-Ink Remote Notary Procedures
We've all modified the way we conduct business. While title companies and lawyers have proved they can be nimble during these extraordinary times, the shift away from in-person client meetings and closings implemented by many title companies could bypass the important opportunity for consumers to receive the benefit of your counsel. Most title companies now offer mobile transaction processes (read more about ATG's Carhop Closings) and while safe and convenient, these new methods could bypass or marginalize the lawyer's role if they are not thoughtfully implemented. ATG offers tools to make sure that doesn't happen. ATG GO Video Conferencing puts you in a virtual room with your clients to explain closing documents and ensure they receive your good counsel. It's easy to use, and we're there to support you every step of the way. Simply visit the ATG GO Video Conferencing center to schedule a virtual meeting. You and your clients will receive a meeting notice; join the meeting at the scheduled time to review and share documents.
ATG also offers safe, secure methods of notarizing documents using audio-video transmission. See ATG's COVID-19 Update #21: Underwriting Guidelines for Illinois Executive Orders from Tania Stori, ATG Corporate Counsel, for more information and implementation details.
Henry L. Shulruff
ATG Senior Vice President - Business Development
ATG AGENTS | Underwriters' Bulletin
Hot Topics
ATG Underwriting Guidelines for Notarizing Documents under Illinois Executive Orders — ATG will insure documents notarized using two-way audio-video communication (video conference) pursuant to the Governor's Order and Secretary of State's requirements, provided all underwriting guidelines are met. Learn more...
ATG Town Hall Now Available OnDemand — If you missed the March 30, 2020, online Town Hall, watch online at your convenience. The information-packed program (1.00 CLE) updates agents on innovative procedures for closing real estate transactions and providing other services during the COVID-19 crisis. Learn more...
Claims Corner
Title Claims - Importance of Checking Legal Descriptions — Questions to keep in mind during your review.
Attorneys Required to Disclose Title Agency — The Illinois Title Insurance Act requires attorneys to disclose to clients that you also serve as an agent of the title company. Please review disclosure requirements discussed in these articles from 2012 and 2006.
ATTORNEYS | Practice Notes
Hot Topic
ATG’s Thoughts on Proposed Changes to The Illinois Title Insurance Act
COVID-19 Updates
The ATG Family of Companies is working to keep customers and employees healthy and safe while managing day-to-day operations under these unusual circumstances. See our COVID-19 Updates for the latest information.
New Procedures
ATG GO Video Conferencing: Being There for Your Clients, Even if You Can’t be in the Same Room
Carhop Closings: Serving You and Your Clients in the Convenience of Your Car
Building on Our Success | Join us in welcoming new and newly promoted members of the ATG team!
Financial Strength for Transactions of Any Size | ATG has joined the American Title Reinsurance Alliance.
Demotech Reaffirms ATG's Top Rating in 2020 | Achieved every year since 1995.
Jesse White Tumblers Celebrate 60 Years | ATG President and CEO was one of the Gala presenters.
ATG GO: The New App for Real Estate Attorneys | Learn more and watch the video demo.
Follow ATG on Facebook | Like us for the latest on ATG news and events.
UPDATE: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we have postponed the following two programs. We are working with the speakers to create OnDemand recordings, which still qualify for CLE credit. Keep watching your emails for details.
Best Thinking in the Worst Situations: Improving Intuition to Manage Stress — Improve your legal decision-making skills for high-stress situations. 1.00 MCLE, 1.00 MH in IL; 1.00 PR applied for.
Nuts and Bolts of Commercial Title Insurance, Part 2 — Learn about key forms and procedures required to insure commercial real estate transactions. 1.50 MCLE Credit in IL; 1.50 CLE applied for in WI.
FREE for all attendees — Watch for updates and registration links at Upcoming Programs.
NOTE: In 2019, we made comprehensive changes to our CLE system for an improved user experience and to meet the new MCLE hour requirements. Read more. Questions on the new system? Contact us.
What Is ATG Trust Company? — ATG Trust is an independent trust company established in 1998 with a mission to provide creative, collaborative, and committed trust and estate administration to advisors and their clients. See our brochure for a list of services and answers to frequently asked questions. Visit our website to learn more about us. Feel free to contact a trust associate if you have questions.
Fast and Flexible Service — ATG LegalServe is a licensed private detective agency providing process service, skip tracing, and court-related assignments to lawyers nationwide. We represent you in the field and pledge to uphold your professional business image. Check out our new website!
About ATG | Contact Us | ORDER TITLE NOW
[Last update: 4-20-20]
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